AI, Robotics, Human-Systems Interaction, Digital Twins, Autonomous Vehicles, and Cyberphysical Systems

Consultancy - Integration - Software/AI development and evaluation - Hardware reliability



RobotaAr specialises in two main fields of AI; Robotics and Intelligent Human Interaction (via natural language and digital twins’ interfaces), hence the name Robot and Arabic Natural Language Processing. It employs and utilises the five trends in AI: Symbolic representation (via ontology & knowledge graphs), Statistical & Machine Learning, Neural Networks & Deep Learning, Large Language Models, and neurosymbolic integration (White Paper). We provide solutions based on consultancy, evaluation, and training.

In the field of robotics and human interaction, interfaces and digital twins we aim to provide cutting-edge autonomous systems, sensing, control, planning, mission navigation, and multi-robots scenarios & communications. Ontologies have been developed for two well-known robots; Husky Husky-ontology and for Jackal Jackal-ontology. Also an ontology for Spot Spot-ontology and DJI-Matrice. A SPARQL-interface for the ontologies. Husky ontology is integrated with ROS (Robot Operating System) and is demonstrated in Husky robot. Presentations and research papers related to this work.

In the field of ANLP we were among the first researchers to provide machine learning approaches to machine translation from Arabic to English. Currently we are developing systems to translate dialects to MSA. The Arabic Academy in Edinburgh provides the linguistic expertise to any work related to Arabic Languages Processing.

We are also keen to provide a robust platform for developing the skills of future engineers and scientists as well as raising student awareness and understanding of applied research and development in robotics.